Canine and Feline Cancer Genomics Studies
Our Comparative Oncology, Radiobiology and Epigenetics Laboratory is studying epigenetic changes and mutations in canine and feline cancers to better understand the cause, behavior, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy in cancers that affect our pets, and by extension, ourselves.
We are actively recruiting the following cases:
- Golden retrievers that do not have lymphoma. The Oncology Service at the University of Missouri Veterinary Health Center (VHC) is performing a study to understand lymphoma in golden retrievers so that we can identify dogs at risk for developing lymphoma and discover potential targets for treatment. We are looking for lymph nodes from golden retrievers that are older than 5, do not have lymphoma and will be euthanized. Dogs should not have received prior chemotherapy or steroids in the past month. Lymph nodes will be collected after euthanasia. For being part of this study, the VHC will cover the cost of euthanasia with our Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Service or the Oncology Service and private cremation at the Columbia Pet Hospital Crematorium. Euthanasia will be performed on Sunday to Thursday at the VHC. An autopsy can be conducted at the request of the owner, but is not necessary for the study.
- Cats with suspected oral squamous cell carcinoma (most common tumor in the cat’s mouth) that have not been treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. For this study we are collecting a biopsy of the tumor and blood sample under sedation during other diagnostic testing.
- Dogs with an untreated skin mast cell tumor that can be removed at the VHC or removed elsewhere and submitted to us. We will be collecting blood and urine samples prior to surgery and tissue samples of the tumor during surgery. There will be no costs associated with obtaining the urine and blood samples, but appointment and surgery costs will apply.
- Dogs with suspected prostate cancer. For this study we are collecting a biopsy of the tumor or prostatic wash fluid while under general anesthesia or sedation for other diagnostic testing.
- Dogs and cats with suspected multiple myeloma. For this study we are collecting a bone marrow biopsy and skin punch biopsy under sedation during other diagnostic testing.
Contact us at 573-882-7821 to make an appointment with the Oncology Service if you would like to help with one of these studies. Standard appointment costs and costs associated with sedation or sample collection may apply.